jf held a signing ceremony of responsibility docum-pg电子游戏


2019 jf annual sales target plan  signing ceremony
2019 jf annual sales target plan signing ceremony

in april 2019, jf has successfully held “2019 jf annual sales target plan signing ceremony” at its headquarters in shenzhen, china.

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2019 jf annual sales target plan signing ceremony

         in april 2019, jf has successfully held “2019 jf annual sales target plan signing ceremony” at its headquarters in shenzhen ,china. the ceremony was designed to achieve several goals as following behind: 

        a. unifying thoughts step by step, implementing company's development strategy and enhancing inner cohesion;

        b. deeply putting “three concerns” into practice and pushing forwards company’s core values forcefully in the aim of obtaining a “win-win” result between jf and the customers as well as expecting a heavy harvest in 2019.

        jf has followed the concept of technology-leading and continuous innovation by conducting integrated product development. it was useful to create more value for the customers and the shareholders. jf had always been adhering to the development strategy of “focusing on existing products in led industry, actively expanding in new field” and expanding in related fields while consolidate in present led business.
         currently, the business structure of jf was backlight led and lighting led as basis, small pitch display led, automotive led, nixie tube led, optical film, to-can and other upscale packaging as new business development direction, striving to achieve the great vision of“ to become a respectable world-class excellent enterprise”. 
         on the ceremony, firstly ceo​ gao siqing said that he would lead front-line management, enhance force on company running and focused closely on”continuous profitability”; as for the aspect of the customer, he stated that customer satisfaction level should be highly elevated. for product shipment, efficient delivery must be assured to guarantee company organized strategy can take effect effectively. meanwhile, ceo and president of the company xing meizheng signed up a “2019 jf military order”and took photos together. 

        next, all department seniors & the center head also signed up “the military order” with ceo separately and took a solemn oath. the signing has clearly pointed out jf right direction in 2019 and our work focus, representing the responsibility fallen on shoulders of all company managements. the impassioned sworn reveals determination and passion of jf people. it not only stands for the commitment to company strategic object, but significantly helps us deeply realize our own mission.


         apart from that, we have gathered great encouragement and confidence to guide our people with all efforts to make contribution on the way of chasing our dream.we are truly convincing that, with all jf people’s endeavor, jf will embrace a fruitful harvest in 2019.

         finally, president of the company xing meizheng emphasized that we should strengthen the cultivation and distribution of talent employee for subsidiaries, broaden employees’ development direction. so all jf people can become stronger and make contribution for society.

