2019 huizhou jf annual sales target plan signing c-pg电子游戏


an unforgettable company training event
an unforgettable company training event

in july, jufei optoelectronics applied for a group of recent graduates. in order to train 28 students to quickly become a qualified jufei staff, shenzhen headquarters launched a training and expansion activities for the “workplace dreamcatcher” training camp.

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2019 huizhou jf annual sales target plan signing ceremony

       at the end of april 2019, huizhou jufei optoelectronics organized the "2019 huizhou jf annual sales target plan signing ceremony and monthly regular meeting" in the conference room of the company. more than ten people including the company's chairman, deputy general manager and department heads attended the meeting.
       under the witness of the chairman of the company, the heads of various departments and the deputy general manager song dong signed the responsibility letter of huizhou jufei optoelectronics in 2019, and they took a group photo.


       the signing of the target responsibility book can better unify the people's thinking and further implement the headquarters development strategy. at the meeting, the chairman of the board of directors clarified the direction and focus of huizhou's efforts in 2019. he hoped that the middle and senior managers of the company would guide all the staff to actively implement the "three concerns", fully carry forward the spirit of teamwork, and successfully reach the objectives for 2019.
       the impassioned oath, the swearing of the iron bones, can motivate employees to innovate and lead by example, establish a good organizational atmosphere, earnestly perform their duties and play the spirit of teamwork.
       after the ceremony, the chairman attended the monthly meeting of huizhou company in april. at the meeting, the chairman of the board made relevant guidance on the work, and proposed “two improvements, one enhancement”( the improvement of the quality management department and the improvement of the yield indicator, and the strengthening of the management of the warehouse).
       the chairman said that  huizhou jufei optoelectronics is in the sprint stage at present. he hoped that everyone would take full advantage of their respective positions and develop their respective spirits to promote the spirit of gathering.

